
Mitogenome backbone (Ma et al. 2023, Systematic Entomology, 48, 644–657). 
8 grafts of 102 terminals from the following sourcetrees:
Svenson and Whiting, 2009, Cladistics, 25, 468-514; Svenson et al, 2015, Syst Entomol, 40, 789-834; Rivera and Svenson, 2016, Syst Entomol, 41, 607-649; Svenson et al, 2016, Syst Entomol, 41, 229-255.
Integration with species comprehensive supermatrix as per (Chesters, 2019, Syst Entom, 45) including the following genes mined from BOLD and NCBI: COI, 12S, 16S, 18S, 28S, COII, H3, ND4, Wnt.
Single outgroup Mastotermes_darwiniensis.

* If used in a publication, please cite Chesters, Ferrari, Lin, Orr, Staab, Zhu (2023) Launching; a new hub facilitating construction and use of synthesis molecular phylogenies of insects. Molecular Ecology Resources 00, 1–18.
** If used in a publication, please cite Ratnasingham and Hebert (2007) BOLD: The Barcode of Life Data System ( Molecular Ecology Notes 7, 355-364.